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 HomeNews x431 Series InformationLAUNCH Important Notice
Important recommendation for the testing of NISSAN Models

Be sure to use a CAN BUS diagnostic connector for the testing of a NISSAN Model that has a CAN BUS system. If a NISSAN-14+16 diagnostic connector is used for such a vehicle, an IMMO deadlock may occur. When this phenomena comes up, a trouble code presents indicating a problem in the IMMO system . But actually the IMMO system is not faulty. Simply erase the trouble code.
1.If the vehicle to be tested has no CAN BUS system, use a NISSAN-14+16 connector
2.If the vehicle to be tested has a CAN BUS system, use a CAN BUS diagnostic connector or OBD II –16C connector (for use in the test of a non-CANBUS system).
author:       Published at: 1/27/2010 1:38:54 PM