AUDI Diagnostic Program for X-431 Family Products V24.70 |
| This version is available in 17 languages: simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English, Japanese, German, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Greek, Serbian and Korean. Compared with the previous version, the following contents are added/improved; 1. Corrected AUDI TV active function. 2. Perfected AUDI double K line system test function. 3. Corrected Chinese name of some system. 4. Corrected read DTCs and all system scan function of non-CAN BUS system. 5. Perfected German data base. Note: Because of optimization for software configuration, please download display program V14.13 or higher version to match the diagnostic software of this version or higher version. | | author: Published at: 9/23/2009 3:22:43 PM | |